Kainoas Hawaii Blog

Monday, July 31, 2006

these are my sisters emo oranges

NOTE: The book of the day is supposed to be book of the week

Sunday, July 30, 2006

This is Triumph Doing The Hawaii Weather on Oahu this is a funny clip of that "faithful" night at NBC Hawaii note: it will take you out of this site

Matrix pingpong

This is an uber Japanese thing but it is so fargin funny!


on the rest of the songs of the days u can download or just see the links of the song

Note:If you click on the song links it WILL take you out of this blog page

i changed the song links to go to my other file.

This is the uber kewl song of the day: Push By Madonna

schfifty five


this is my uber kewl pgone that i have (not the exact 1 but the same model)

C For Cookie

This is the kewl thing that my sis sent me at first


This is one of the more funny things that i have found on the internet, if you live in hawaii you can totally relate to this.

Super Kewl Book of The Day

Todays special kewl book is: Deception Point by: Dan Brown,

Basically NASA discovers something and gets the U.S. all exited, but 4 civillian scientests fin out that the object was not originally there (thus the name DECEPTION Point obviously) so it is kewl some people die o so sad o well. But it is still a kewl book, so get out of your chair and buy or borrow this book ;).